Welcome to the University of Leeds Ladies' Club
Spring Semester 2025
We have a monthly newsletter started by President Carole, now produced by Jean Williams. Find extracts, in Programme, where you can find this month's, together with previous newsletters. The next newsletter will be circulated at the end of February, so if you want to subscribe news, please do so by the 20th.
To read Jean William's newsletter and to find out about past and forthcoming events, please look under Programme : Spring 2025
The Ladies' Club was 100 years old on the 29th of October.
Photograph Joanne Fox
We are a friendly group of some ninety members,
with a varied programme of talks, social events
and visits to places of interest.
Our coffee mornings are now held at 10:30am, usually on the second Tuesday of the month at:
The Golden Beam
For more information, go to Spring 2025 under Programme.
These are informal meetings, so there is no need to book but for other venues it is important that you inform the named person by the due date if you wish to attend, as we have to advise the venues of numbers in advance.
£10 for 2024/25.
Details regarding payment can be found in your monthly email letter.
There are two categories of membership, Club Membership and Associate Membership. Eligibility for both groups is listed under About Us: Constitution but note that Associate Membership is by invitation only by a Club Member.
About Us
is the tab under which
you can also access a moving picture gallery of members,
past and present:
Below is a picture taken in the Union Building.
More pictures can be seen in the Programme pages
and under the menu tabs : Gallery and Archive.
Please look up news items under Programme
Addresses and phone numbers of contacts can be found on the programme made available to members each term by email.
Quiz questions and answers are emailed monthly.
Website: www.universityofleedsladiesclub.co.uk
The two groups have resumed meeting informally once a month at members’ homes.
One group continued to meet through Zoom during Covid and now report in the newsletter.
This Group meets on the first Monday of each month at 2.00pm for 2.15pm.
(The club is looking for a convenor to start a second club).
West Park
The local groups normally meet in members’ homes once a month.
Anyone interested in forming a theatre-going group please contact a committee member.
Informal Cinema Group
Seniors on Thursday afternoons at the Cottage Road Cinema. To see the coming films:
The University of Leeds School of English
has digitised their historic dialect recordings archive for the public. This is the most famous and complete survey of dialects in England. It is preserved in the University’s Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture, a unique and nationally important multi-media archive.
To learn more and to submit your own phrases and expressions in order to bring the archive into the 21st century and to preserve today’s language for future generations, visit:
Dialect and Heritage.org.uk
We have much to contribute Ladies.
(Note: the site administrator did research for this department in the 1960s)
More news about the University is available on the podcast: